How Did It Start?
My first interaction with the REN Project was through an email notification that started off with the above quote. What is it? Who are they? How did they get my email address, was it hacked…? Too many questions. But I was curious. So, I replied.
Surprise,Surprise!有天收到一封電郵,內容說「你已被提名了」。仍然不知發生什麼事情之下,立即 Google…”The REN Project” (我為它改名為 “人誌”,不是人質,哈哈)。有趣,好奇,立即回覆…

A Long Interview Ensued
That ain’t a bait. In fact, the communication led me to find out that I love talking! The phone interview, which was a very candid conversation, had me talking about myself the majority of time. But, that’s exactly what they were looking for – the content & context of my story – or in a boring term: qualitative interview.
Although between us, we were 300 km apart, we were also only one phone call away. The REN Project Leads – Megan & Lorraine were energetic, curious, thoughtful, and they are great listeners. The whole experience was fulfilling.
My Story is on the REN Project!
填好表格,確認接受提名,回覆電郵,過了數天便有回音:Brian,我們團隊希望訪問一下你。再過了數天,與我交談的是項目負責人 – Megan & Lorraine。她們準備了數條問題,相信我「好說」,所以佔用了很多 air time,九十分鐘的訪問完結。
So, here it is – the snippet of my story which has been published on their website, Facebook, and IG. Please support the REN Project by following their social media, and even by nominating someone so that more stories will be featured.
當然,最終輯錄並刊登的只是訪問的一少部份,但我很喜歡 Megan & Lorraine 的正能量以及採訪的質素。支持她們,可以關注這個項目的社交平台,甚至提名一位您認為有意思的華人故事,讓這部”人誌”可以更加豐富。
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