The G8 Summit | 八國高峰會
I broke into the news & current affairs area just 2 years prior to getting this special assignment from my boss. At first, my goal to get involved in broadcasting was blatantly clear that I wanted to improve my communication skills. Things picked up in my journey, my lesson learnt in covering the G8 summit is still one of the highlights in my career.
I worked for a national Cantonese TV station called Fairchild Television and learnt many skills how to deal with unexpected situation(s), e.g. our crew drove all the way to Kananaskis Country, only to find out that we could just wait at the barricade, 10km from the core.
But there's one Calgary institution ready for the activists — the local prison. City officials say the prison has been "emptied" for the duration to accommodate 400 people in cells in the event that the protests get out of hand.

~ ABC News on June 26, 2002
Media Coverage
Video Credit: Associated Press
The G8 Summit | 八國高峰會
碰巧第二十八屆,為期兩天的八國高峰會在加拿大亞省的 Kananaskis (又稱 K-Country) 舉行。當時身為記者,將這個國際大事向全國觀眾匯報的機會及責任便落到我身上。
英文有一句說話:Swimming Like A Swan,顧名思義,指表面冷靜,內心緊張,形容這張照片內剛入行的我,並不為過。照片在市中心 (Telus Convention Centre) 媒體總部拍攝,還記得看見央視、NHK、法國等等媒體,我的心態是「邊做邊學」他們的專業水平。
去過 K-Country 的人都知道這個郊區與世無爭,環保人士表示不會到現場示威,事實上是一廂情願。因為主辦當局就是要利用這嗰「山旮旯」的地勢,將周邊及空中等八十公里列為禁區。
第一天(2002年6月26日),攝製隊去 K-Country,與一眾媒體在哨站等候,但大家知道要看見八國元首肯定沒有可能。所以偶然看見疑似車隊經過,均立即紀錄情形,好不興奮。領教過白等,第二天「佈防」卡城,報導示威者在位於唐人街的聯邦政府大廈 (Harry Hays Building)附近的示威情況。騎警表面上沒有派出水炮、水馬,只有鐵馬及胡椒噴霧,平衡人權、個人紀律及治安,當然並不像韓國農民在香港會展的那一幕。
當時代表加拿大的是時任總理 – 克里田,美國是總統 – 喬治布殊,還有俄羅斯的…普京!
我沒有「二億」,只有這「回憶」,依然是獨一無二。至於八國元首討論內容,可能亦沒有太多人記得了 (Hint: 援助非洲的行動以及後九一一事件的世界形勢)。
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