Some stories are hard to translate or trans-create so they are published in traditional Chinese.
溫哥華東端 | East Vancouver
這一屆在溫哥華 East Hastings 舊唐人街外的人造草足球場舉行,為隆重其事,賽會特別邀請了著名香港藝人岳華先生(已作故)高唱 O’ Canada 揭開序幕。
介紹一下,加拿大華人足球歷史悠久的 C.O.S.T. (Chinese Old-Timers Soccer Tournament),有超過四十年歷史。最風光年代有多倫多、溫尼帕、沙省、愛民頓、卡加利,甚至遠至三藩市和紐約均有參加過。比賽年齡下限為三十五歲(相片中的我只有廿多歲),所以為之戥腳,窮在年齡。
About the Project: One Picture is Worth A Thousand Words
Recently (2022), I have been revisiting my old photo albums, selecting pictures that I can find memorable stories. So, I have hundreds of stories to tell. May this be my personal goal to eventually have all stories published as a book so that I leave a legacy for my family & friends.
Growing up in a blue-collar family, one of the hobbies I enjoyed the most is playing & watching soccer. I look back, my dad had a huge influence on me; thus, I am forever indebted by his passion because the game of soccer has shaped me to become who I am today.
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