Some stories are hard to translate or trans-create so they are published in traditional Chinese.
西瓜波vs大聲公 | The Watermelon Ball vs The Megaphone
由於爸爸媽媽是裁縫高手,工業興旺的年代,家庭工場在香港區跑馬地,所以自小在Happy Valley長大。但家庭不屬小康,只是樸實的藍領,但好Happy。
當時只有五、六歲,我當然沒有甲組球員的腳力,射十二碼,只是用「西瓜波」,no harm。但我聚精會神,就像胡國雄一樣,看著死角,用力一抽,那個「西瓜波」飄得好慢,仿似動漫《足球小將》的情節。
突然遠處傳來巨響 – 是跑馬地足球場管理員用「大聲公」的叫喊:「請你立即離開球場!」
About the Project: One Picture is Worth A Thousand Words
Recently (2022), I have been revisiting my old photo albums, selecting pictures that I can find memorable stories. So, I have hundreds of stories to tell. May this be my personal goal to eventually have all stories published as a book so that I leave a legacy for my family & friends.
Growing up in a blue-collar family, one of the hobbies I enjoyed the most is playing & watching soccer. I look back, my dad had a huge influence on me; thus, I am forever indebted by his passion because the game of soccer has shaped me to become who I am today.
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